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You can have more joy and less stress!

No matter where you are on your beautiful, often exhausting journey through motherhood, Joy-Worthygives you a plan to put yourself first without guilt and rediscover what gives you joy. If motherhood is sucking the joy right out of you — or you fear it might — joy coach and licensed social worker Julie McGrath offers down-to-earth guidance on how to get your own needs met so you can be a better mother and create the fulfilling life of your dreams. You don’t have to put your happiness on hold — you can learn how to be happy right now, because you are joy-worthy!

If you’re an overwhelmed mother, you are not alone — and it’s perfectly okay to take action to get your joy — and your true self — back. McGrath, founder of The Joy Source, drew from her professional and personal experience to write Joy-Worthy: A Mother’s Guide to More Joy, Less Stress and No Guilt. She gives harried moms a 10-point plan for putting themselves first and reclaiming their joy, without guilt.

Joy-Worthy gives you the scoop on how to let go of the five types of “mommy guilt;” how to deal with Martyrs, Joy Suckers and Not-Worthy Women; and how to get your joy back even if you feel isolated, angry or frustrated. The book includes a series of journal entry questions for self-reflection, and tried-and-true tips on how to give yourself a break from the daily routine, reduce and manage stress, and build resilience and inner strength. McGrath also offers strategies for taking the risk to move beyond your comfort zone, and tips for rediscovering the goals and dreams you might have lost in the chaos of motherhood.

Whether you’re just adjusting to motherhood, chasing toddlers, sparring with teens, or facing an empty nest with no idea of who you are anymore, this book shows you how to reclaim your strong, confident and joyful self. If you are not fully participating in your own life, Joy-Worthy is your wake-up call, because life doesn’t stop and wait until you feel ready. It’s time to stop that vicious cycle of blah and get moving in the direction of your dreams!

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JULIE McGRATH IS a licensed social worker who watched women disappear into parenting, relationships and work, losing their true selves and desires in the process. The women around her were becoming empty shells of who they once were, full of guilt at the prospect of taking the precious time they needed for themselves. A strong advocate for women, Julie said, “Enough!” In 2009, she founded The Joy Source LLC to encourage and empower women to rediscover themselves, find their joy and passion, and then live it. Through The Joy Source, Julie leads groups and getaway weekends for women, offers individual joy coaching in person or by phone, and publishes a free, online magazine,The Joy Ride. Joy-Worthy is her first book. Julie McGrath is also the director of the psychiatric crisis team for a hospital emergency room north of Boston. She has an MSW from Barry University. She lives with her husband and two children on Boston’s North Shore, where she finds joy in sunny summer days, scrapbooking and being in the company of good friends.