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Beneath The Shadow of Crows

“Madelon Phillips’ Beneath the Shadow of Crows is an astounding feat of storytelling. Just as Gone With the Wind, To Kill A Mockingbird, and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn are not only gripping stories, but emblematic of their times, so it is with Beneath the Shadow of Crows. It is the story of Mattie Collins, who comes of age in the fifties, a woman of her time and place, brought up by her father to think of herself as worthless. She marries at age sixteen to escape the war zone of her parents’ home. It is a story of her struggle to find self-worth and freedom from the mental prison built brick by brick first by her father and then completed by her husband. It’s a heartwarming story of personal triumph in an age when the barriers for women were a mile high and the cultural landscape littered with land mines. Beneath the Shadow of Crows is one you won’t soon forget”.

—James N. Frey, author of How to Write a Damned Good Novel

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