Monday Motivation

All week long (and especially on the weekends) I search the internet for blog posts that inspire, intrigue and motivate. I wanted to set aside a specific weekly blog post to share all of the insight I have found. Enjoy!

26 Ways to Make Money as a Writer by phenomenal wordsmith and author Alexandra Franzen

Finding Clarity as a Writer by Jeff Goins. Goins continues to inspire me with his posts about the writing life. But you don’t have to be a writer to enjoy his explorations into the human mind.

Blending Your Personal and Professional Life by Amber Naslund. With more and more people working from home, it can be extremely hard to define the lines between work and play. Naslund makes some good points about the benefits of not creating a divide and instead letting everything flow together.

Top 5 Video Recording Tips from Amber Ludwig will give you the inspiration to stop talking about doing things and start doing them. Charge up that camera and make the bold step of putting your thoughts and advice out there.

Life Lessons from America’s Cup by Tiffany Han. You don’t have to be a fan of sailing, or any sports for that matter, to appreciate the advice Tiffany provides here. She writes about the importance of not quitting, not giving up and persevering.

6 Ways to Make Blogging Easier by Melissa at Freeing Imperfections. This personal blog offers a nice blend between professional tactics and personal details about her life.

Don’t be afraid of failure, just keep moving forward. {Tweet Monday’s Motivation.}