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WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN is the first book of its kind to motivate people to plan and prepare for their own funerals, or final life celebrations. It is not a pedantic tome listing details and lists of things to do. Rather it is meant to stimulate a creative process. It is akin to The Perfect Party Planner meets Tuesdays with Morrie.

When the Sun Goes Down subscribes that a successful funeral is so personal that the presence of the person is actively felt, and the messages conveyed in the service inspire the attendees to live a more meaningful life. A serendipitous byproduct of this planning process is an introspective look at your current values and lifestyle, leaving you with fresh perspectives.

Many innovative and alternative approaches for funeral services are explored.

Celebrant led services
Ethical Wills
Services in your garden or favorite pub
Funeral Invitations
Pre-need caskets built as coffee tables
Green Cemeteries
Cremated remains crafted into diamonds

“The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.” -Epicurus

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BETTY BREUHAUS loves a good party — a celebration of any event, be it a birthday, graduation, or a full moon. So what might appear as a preoccupation with death actually stems from her love of celebrations. Recognizing that a funeral is indeed the final celebration of a life, she began a fascinating journey exploring styles, traditions, and options for funeral services. She began with innumerable hits on Amazon, hours of Googling, and extensive research in the library at Mt. Ida College, New England’s foremost institution for funeral service education. Numerous interviews with funeral directors, ministers, and certified Celebrants followed. She also attended a Life Appreciation course for funeral directors led by Bill Bates, and earned a certified Celebrant certificate from a training led by Doug Manning of In-Sight Institute. Just sharing stories with family and friends turned out to be heartening and inspirational. The path had an interesting tangent when she found that the planning process itself garnered great insights and fresh perspectives on life’s great joys.Betty Breuhaus lives with her family and dogs in Marblehead, Massachusetts.