The Golden Thread
What if 30 seconds changed your life? What if God doesn’t answer your prayers at the most critical moment in your life? This book answers tough questions about faith and purpose. The Golden Thread is the first book for K. Cates, a memoir about the loss of her son, her fight for her marriage and her faith in God. Although well-balanced between adversity and optimism, maybe one of the most authentic and vulnerable glimpses on a Christian life, hers is a heart purposed to inspire others who find themselves in the darkest of circumstances. If you’ve been waiting for someone to speak to your heart, in the seemingly “Pollyanna” world inside the church, wishing for someone who will pull down barriers, this is for you. If your story is too scary to tell, you might find safety in these pages. This is a compelling read, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Atheist. Cates is working on a second comedic novel, A Crumb in the World of Cake.